Sep 4, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Wow. I've been reading Igor Chudov so the decrease in births has be obvious in many countries. But this final metric that the covid jabs will cause 500 miscarriages in order to stop one single solitary ICU admission is unbelievable. Wow. Going to post your article elsewhere right away.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Here’s a fact…

If you’re young enough and healthy enough to get pregnant and carry a baby to full term, then your risk group for COVID is a fraction of a percent….

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you for speaking out so compellingly Doctor. You're a great writer, and you really do a brilliant job succinctly summarizing a variety of criminal actions of essentially scientific, and other frauds that have been critical to perpetrating this eugenics bioweapon global operation.

As a bioengineer, who knew more about medicine than a sizeable percentage of physicians which I spent years legally bribing for a legacy company of Pfizer, and for GSK, by promoting a wide variety of therapies. I can attest to how easy it is for the criminals who run Big Pharma, they are really sleazy dumb fucks in the executive ranks, except in R & D, to compromise physicians, their office staff, pharmacists, the state medical societies, all the teaching, and research institutions, and the professional medical colleges, the journals they publish, and presstitute media once direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs was allowed.

I bought nearly entire groups of specialists at Rush, UIC, Northwestern, and many other private practice clinicians and by using thousands of dollars a quarter I could get these paid monkeys to use our slides, and spin and twist the "science" of our products in so many contortions it was like a fucking science circus act. I couldn't believe the physicians who listened to this crap fell for it..

The practice of medicine in America has little to do with health because it's mostly about harvesting money from people who don't take care of their own health.

It's no mystery to me how easy it was to mind numb millions of morons using a little bit of fear to herd them into wearing masks which don't prevent transmission of pathogens but can make you slightly hypoxic, and give you skin infections if worn firvextended periods of time, and, even worse, into taking a dangerous, frequently deadly, eugenics bioweapon produced by criminal filth at Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astra Zeneca. I stay out of the US healthcare system. It's dangerous, expensive, and bad for one's health. I saw how sleazy the filth that runs Big Pharma is. These people running those corporations are really skeavy mouth breather morons.

Thankfully the deadly billion dollars a year diabetes blockbuster Avandia with which GSK knowingly criminally killed 400,000 people was not one I sold,cand I never had a deadly product in my portfolio.

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Interesting stuff. Furthermore, the age-standardised chart from the ONS is up to Aug '21 when pregnant women only started getting vaccinated.


As with many of the stats, unvaccinated includes vaccinated up to 14 days. I am waiting for the number of pregnant women who were hospitalised between 0-14days from the ONS and will report when received.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Australian fertility doc talking about his patients having miscarriages after the jab.


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Very nice analysis. You did that using government flawed date and didn’t even consider the vaccine adverse reactions. It truly amazes me how people who apparently have nothing to gain defend this injection for pregnant women and by doing so put their reputations on the line. I guess they think if the vaccines are harmful and useless it somehow damages the prestige of their academic class, which shows how useless universities have become these days.

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It will be interesting to see how much longer they can plug the cracks in the dam wall and then how they try to explain away this fraud.

Reminds me of the FOIA I read from Ireland regarding claims from a nurse manager that young people “with Covid” were clogging the ICU and wishing they had the jab before being put on a ventilator - said FOI request proved there were a total of 2 in the ICU of any age and zero on ventilators. Meanwhile my wife (midwife) still can’t work while the dickhead politicians convene a ‘job summit’

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


From the above link: In the section marked "Toxicity Conclusions", the UK Govt. currently say the following:-

"The absence of reproductive toxicity data is a reflection of the speed of development to first identify and select COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 for clinical testing and its rapid development to meet the ongoing urgent health need. In principle, a decision on licensing a vaccine could be taken in these circumstances without data from reproductive toxicity studies animals, but there are studies ongoing and these will be provided when available. In the context of supply under Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time: however, use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated. These judgements reflect the absence of data at the present time and do not reflect a specific finding of concern. Adequate advice with regard to women of childbearing potential, pregnant women and breastfeeding women has been provided in both the Information for UK Healthcare Professionals and the Information for UK recipients."

Thus, the UK Govt appear to be currently advising (albeit with some curious use of language) that pregnant women (or breast-feeding women) should NOT be vaccinated. I wonder if all UK 'Health Care Professionals' (and anyone else administering the shots) have been so informed....

And I have not seen this updated guidance disseminated to the wider UK public....

And how does this fit with what Viki Male and Dr Teresa Kelly are twittering?

Are they UK professionals?

Surely, their recent tweets are at odds with the Govt guidance as cited above.

(Dr John Campbell has also referred to this issue on YT.)

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The day of onset data in VAERS for spontaneous abortions is skewed heavily with day 0 being the highest. Reporting bias does not appear to be able to account for this pattern. Published studies use a long reporting time window of 28 days, or so, with no details on time since vaccination or fetal development age. This day of onset pattern in VAERS supports rejecting the hypothesis that these reflect the expected background pattern.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you for your article!

I am an aspiring grandfather.

My blood literally boils at the thought that the fertility of the younger generation may be affected. And it clearly looks like it IS affected. Both from your article, as well as rebuttal to Shimabukuro, as well as experience of Sweden, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, California, the UK etc etc etc.

I hope that these effects are temporary or that they did not fry the eggs inside UNBORN female fetuses (those eggs are the future grandchildren) when the mothers were vaccinated.

Anyway, with vaccine effectiveness having turned negative, the numbers you cited FLIP and become negative. You have to sacrifice unborns for an INCREASE in deaths. Great deal right?

The good news is that huge CO2 reductions will be evident in the coming years.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I know, ii feel like a broken record but, have people forgotten about the

survival rate of that thing? Clearly, with all that is known now, how can

anyone even contemplate taking it? It seems unreal that those criminals

are still pushing it.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

This is great. Thanks for laying out the logic process in a way than can be defended and repeated. If I followed it, anyone can!

However, I have to take 1 Star away for you bringing back childhood nightmares. Oh well, Child Catcher will keep the flying monkeys company :)

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Substack needs an I am horrified selection as well as the love selection.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

When I first opened this I looked at the #childcatcher on the left and thought, “Damn...what’s Julia Roberts gone and done now?!?” 😂

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Another excellent report 👏

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How bad is Covid-19 really? https://thescienceanalyst.substack.com/p/how-bad-is-covid-really

In my experience, the "unvaccinated" gets into a hospital with Covid, is usually faked in some way. Remember how they used puppets in empty hospitals? The also use different PCR testing-standards (28 cycles for jabbed and 40+ cycles for unjabbed). Just jabbed are also counted as unjabbed, when they get covid symptoms from the jab. And if they follow the official standard treatment, they try to kill people when they get a positive test.

I have never seen so much fakery in my life. And we can not trust any number that comes from the official sources.

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